Latest Experience
2019 - now
My selfFreelance
I disrupt your business processes and marketing - creating high value based on data, structure and digital business approach!
2019 - now
Det Danske Klasselotteri
Head of technology and digital strategy
Focus on our marketing technologies and communication systems. Re-structuring all the business processes with automation in mind!
feb. 2016 – dec. 2018
Det Danske Klasselotteri
Hired a new a highly skilled team within marketing, communication, development and BI / BA.
Latest Educations
IAAMarketing management
IAA Marketing Management is based on an active program with a high degree of involvement. The teaching is based on MBA-like principles, so that a synthesis of teaching, self-study, group tasks and debate is created.
Empowermind InternationalInternational Management Certification
Focus on coach based management. Dissemination of change management and development of people